When reality meets left-wing delusion, heads explode. Americans loving a pro-America, winning President is not stunning. It’s long overdue. CNN’s plummeting ratings and revenue – now that’s stunning. Get a clue.
“This is a very different Donald Trump. He’s leading a very different administration in the way he’s attacking things, and the American public is very much more in line with him than they were at any point during his entire first term” (X).
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CNN: "This is a very different Donald Trump."
Watch how she panics and tries to correct him lol.pic.twitter.com/gjEmLNyCOD
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) January 26, 2025
President Donald Trump’s approval rating is soaring in New Jersey, a state traditionally dominated by Democrats, signaling a shift in political sentiment even in deep blue territory. Despite the state’s liberal leanings, recent polls show a surge in support for Trump, mainly as voters grow frustrated with local leadership on issues like crime, homelessness, and high taxes… Trump’s approval rating has unexpectedly risen for the first time, securing a 48 percent favorable rating among New Jersey voters. The president now has a higher favorability rating than the state’s Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy… Murphy has a 44 percent favorable rating (Townhall).
CNN data guru stunned by Trump’s approval shift from eight years ago: ‘Very much turned around’
‘The American people really like what they‘re seeing,’ CNN’s Harry Enten said
By Kristine Parks Fox News, January 24, 2025:
CNN reporter says data shows Americans ‘really like what they’re seeing’ with President Trump
CNN data reporter Harry Enten broke down a poll from this week showing President Trump’s favorability ratings are much higher than they were in 2017.
CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten broke down the data showing how President Donald Trump has made a historic comeback in his favorability ratings since entering the White House this week.
“The American people really like what they’re seeing, at least compared to where Donald Trump started eight years ago,” Enten told anchor Kate Bolduan on Friday’s edition of CNN News Central.
Enten shared a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken this week which found more Americans approve of Trump’s presidency now than they did when he entered office in 2017.
Trump started his first term with a net negative approval rating at -3 points, Enten said, but Trump now stands at a +6 net approval rating, up nine points from January 2017.
CNN’s Enten
CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten broke down the approval ratings for President Donald Trump, on the liberal network on Friday. (CNN/Screenshot)
“To borrow a Donald Trump phrase, this is big league,” he remarked.
Trump is not just doing better with Americans than he was in January 2017, Enten said; his approval ratings are higher now than they were throughout his first term.
Previously, Trump’s highest ever net approval rating was +3 points in March 2017, according to Enten.
“He’s in a better position than he was at any point during his entire first term,” the reporter remarked. “Things have very much turned around.”
“This is a very different Donald Trump. He’s leading a very different administration the way he’s attacking things, and the American public is very much more in line with him than they were at any point during his entire first term,” he continued.
Enten said he could not find any other president whose net approval rating was higher in the first month of their second term than it was throughout their entire first term in office.
“[T]rump’s made history as the first president to be more popular at the start of his second term than at ANY point in his first term,” the reporter posted on X.
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