Mega Swampert is one of the top Mega Evolutions in Pokemon Go due to its wonderful type combination and stats, so learn how to easily take it down now that it’s coming back to Mega Raids.
Mega Evolutions are some of the most powerful creatures in the Pokemon universe, along with Primal, Origin formes, and fusions; and while they cannot be used in the Battle League – unless the Mega Edition is taking place – they are the best ones to use in Raid battles.
The mighty Mega Swampert actually has a place among the top ten Mega Evolutions in Niantic’s mobile game, so now that it’s coming back as part of the Might and Mastery season, you may want to get one with perfect IVs or even Shiny.
Mega Swampert weaknesses in Pokemon Go
As a dual Water/Ground-type Pokemon, Mega Swampert is only weak to Grass-type moves. However, it’s double weak at that particular type, so you should exploit that.
Even though the options may seem extremely limited, there are many excellent Grass-type fighters in the game that will be able to stand up to this intimidating creature.
You should also keep in mind Mega Swampert’s resistances, which include Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel-type attacks, leaving a large pool of options to avoid.
Mega Swampert best counters
Here are some of the best counters to use against Mega Swampert in Pokemon Go:
We’ve included a mix of Megas, Legendaries, Shadow, and more common Pokemon in the table above, so there should be something for every trainer to use.
If you don’t have any of those counters or their alternate forms, use your strongest Grass-type Pokemon to target Mega Swampert’s weaknesses. Just make sure that your team is properly leveled up and has matching movesets.
How to get Mega Swampert in Pokemon Go
The powerful Mega Swampert is returning to Pokemon Go’s Mega Raids from March 13, 2025, to March 22, 2025, right after Mega Lucario‘s time is up.
Keep in mind that you can take on Mega Swampert in 5-Star Mega Raids, however, you won’t be able to catch this mighty creature in its Mega-Evolved form.
Instead, after defeating it, you’ll be given the chance to catch a regular Swampert using the Premiere Balls you’re given – the amount of balls you get will be tied to your performance during battle.
To temporarily Mega Evolve your strongest standard Swampert, you’ll first need to stock up on the Mega Energy you get as a reward for defeating this mighty creature.
How to evolve Swampert into Mega Swampert
As mentioned above, when a trainer defeats and catches a Mega Evolved Pokemon, it returns to its regular form, meaning that every time they want to trigger a Mega Evolution, they must use Mega Energy.
The first time a player evolves Swampert into Mega Swampert, they must spend 200 Mega Energy. Once the effect is over, the amount required will drop to 40, then 20, and finally 10.

Mega Energy
Players can gather this type of Mega Energy by defeating Mega Swampert in Mega Raids multiple times. Additionally, they can earn some more by completing Field Research Tasks and by setting Swampert as their Buddy and taking it for a spin.
It’s worth noting that for Swampert to collect Mega Energy while going for a walk, it must have been Mega Evolved at least once.
Mega Swampert CP in Pokemon Go
As with every Raid Boss in the game, Mega Swampert’s CP during a Mega Raid battle won’t be the same once you manage to catch it. Plus, certain types of weather can increase such CP.
Mega Swampert stats & moves
As a dual Water/Ground-type Pokemon, Mega Swampert has the following stats:
Fast Moves
- Mud Shot (Ground/STAB)
- Water Gun (Water/STAB)
Charged Moves
- Sludge (Poison)
- Earthquake (Ground/STAB)
- Sludge Wave (Poison)
- Surf (Water/STAB)
- Hydro Cannon (Water/STAB/Elite TM)
- Muddy Water (Water/STAB)
Can Mega Swampert be Shiny?
Yes, Mega Swampert can be Shiny in Pokemon Go, as this special variation was added to the game on the very same day the Mega Evolution debuted.

Players hunting a Shiny Mega Swampert can recognize it by its fuchsia body and purple details, which are very far away from its regular light-blue and black tones.
Keep in mind that there’s no special method to trigger a Shiny encounter, so all you can do is challenge as many Mega Swampert as you can until you find what you’re looking for.
In case you cannot find one, you can simply Mega Evolve a regular Shiny Swampert.
That’s everything there is to know about Mega Swampert in Pokemon Go. Don’t forget to check out the latest Pokemon Go events, including the current Community Day and Spotlight Hours.