Senior Hamas Leader Praises October 7 Massacre Stating it Will “Remain a Source of Pride”, Vows Destruction of Israel

By Geller Report | Created at 2025-01-17 14:02:36 | Updated at 2025-01-17 20:38:29 7 hours ago

Quoting the infernal Quran (3:151), of course.

The terrorist attack “struck the heart of the enemy, Inshallah …’

“Praise be to Allah, who fulfilled His promise, granted victory to His servant, strengthened His forces, and alone defeated the

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Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya repeated the terrorist organization’s commitment to the destruction of Israel in his first public remarks since green-lighting the truce deal with the Jewish state on Wednesday night. According to al-Hayya, the terrorist group during negotiations succeeded in thwarting Israel’s “declared and hidden goals…” Al-Hayya described the Oct. 7, 2023, massacre of 1,200 people in Israel as a “miraculous” achievement, declaring the atrocities would “remain a source of pride” for Palestinians, “passed down through generations.” Hamas terrorists “will expel the occupation from our land and from Al Quds [Jerusalem] at the earliest time possible,” al-Hayya promised, adding: “Our enemy will never see a moment of weakness from us” (Jewish News Syndicate).

Here is Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya's full speech—which he gave live on Al Jazeera from Qatar—in which he expressed pride in the Oct. 7th massacre and vowed to repeat it.

Hamas is a genocidal death cult and must be vanquished from this earth.

P.S. Subtitles generated with A.I.

— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) January 15, 2025

Hamas will ‘expel’ Israel ‘at the earliest time possible’

Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya also thanked Turkey, South Africa, Algeria, Russia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Belgium, Spain and Ireland for their support.

By: Akiva Van Koningsveld, JNS, January 17, 2025:

Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya repeated the terrorist organization’s commitment to the destruction of Israel in his first public remarks since green-lighting the truce deal with the Jewish state on Wednesday night.

According to al-Hayya, the terrorist group during negotiations succeeded in thwarting Israel’s “declared and hidden goals.”

“Today, we prove that the occupation will never defeat our people and their resistance,” he said in a televised address from Doha which ran for some 18 minutes.

Jerusalem “only secured its captives through an agreement with the resistance to stop the war and aggression, along with an honorable prisoner exchange deal,” al-Hayya claimed.

Al-Hayya described the Oct. 7, 2023, massacre of 1,200 people in Israel as a “miraculous” achievement, declaring the atrocities would “remain a source of pride” for Palestinians, “passed down through generations.

The terrorist attack “struck the heart of the enemy and will lead, Inshallah [‘God willing’], to the restoration of all our rights,” the Hamas leader said.

Hamas terrorists “will expel the occupation from our land and from Al Quds [Jerusalem] at the earliest time possible,” al-Hayya promised, adding: “Our enemy will never see a moment of weakness from us.”

Al-Hayya mourned slain Hamas chiefs Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, Saleh al-Arouri, “the martyred leaders whose bodies were torn apart in this battle,” and extended his gratitude to the Palestinian terrorist groups that fought alongside it during the war.

“We also recall the illuminating stances of many countries that stood with us across various fields,” said the terrorist leader, praising the support from Turkey, South Africa, Algeria, Russia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Belgium, Spain and Ireland, “as well as the free people of the world.”

“We also remember the efforts of the brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, who supported our resistance and our people, engaged in the battle, and struck at the heart of the entity in the two operations,” he said, referring to Tehran’s April 1 and Oct. 1 missile assaults on the Jewish state.

“We thank everyone who supported us with words, pens, voices, images, marches, demonstrations, the weapon of boycotts, political and diplomatic efforts, legal action and by raising their voices against aggression and oppression,” he added.


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