Get ’em, Chuck!
Speaking on “The Steam Room” podcast with Ernie Johnson, NBA legend Charles Barkley called out championship franchises that don’t go to President Donald Trump’s White House.
An original report came out recently that the Philadelphia Eagles weren’t going to visit the White House despite winning Super Bowl LIX. That later turned out to be false, with Trump issuing an invite to the Birds and the team saying they would accept beforehand.
It was fantastic news to see as someone who wants a united America, but Sir Charles being Sir Charles, he took advantage of the conversation to tell the absolute truth. (RELATED: Keith Olbermann Calls For Pat McAfee To Be Fired Over Defending America, And Quite Frankly, All You Can Do Is Laugh)
“The [report] came out [that] the Eagles were not going to the White House, I said, ‘I hate that.’ Then they came back and said, ‘No, we would definitely go.’ And I said, ‘Yo man, I don’t care who the president is, he’s the President of the United States,’” said Barkley. “It’s bothered me for the last 10 years when athletes are like, ‘Well I’m not going because this certain person is president.”
He continued.
“Even though I disagree with President Trump on some things, if I met him, I would still give him the respect and dignity he deserves,” said Barkley. “It bothers me when these teams don’t want to go to the White House. [When did we reach the point] as a country when we were like, ‘We’re not going to the White House because we don’t like who is in there?’ That’s just stupid, in my opinion.”
You can always count on Chuck to call it how he sees it.